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The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads This blog is doing awesome!.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 3,300 times in 2010. That’s about 8 full 747s.

In 2010, there were 2 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 46 posts. There was 1 picture uploaded, taking a total of 63kb.

The busiest day of the year was April 1st with 54 views. The most popular post that day was It’s a Jungle Out There – April Fools Office Prank.

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were,,,, and

Some visitors came searching, mostly for office pranks, msn docs, prank, office prank, and nice smile.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


It’s a Jungle Out There – April Fools Office Prank April 2008


Top 10 Sucky Things about Being Tall January 2008


MSN Docs; Competition for Google Docs? March 2008


Making Plurk Clique June 2008


Content Writing Advice September 2007
12 comments and 1 Like on,

Much has changed since my last post. I’ve got a new car, a new job, and even a new baby on the way!

Zak and his Mazdaspeed3 with FMIC

Both Zak and his Mazdaspeed3 smile for the camera.

I can’t promise I’ll post as much as I once did in the past, but I have been getting the urge to blog and thought that I needed  to break the ice, or dust if you will, here on the old blog.

I thought it only fitting to post an image of the new car seeing that the last post I did had a picture from the totaled car.

So much change, it’s everywhere you look. From Wall Street to Washington, Detroit to Dallas, real estate, cars, politics, the economy, and more, it’s all changing. I’m getting ready for change as well.

I’ve had this blog for over a year now, but have failed to keep it up to date. My last post was in the summer time and was about the social site Plurk. A few months later I was involved in a MVA (that’s doctor talk for motor vehicle accident) while on my way to work. The SUV that turned in front of me was not paying attention, as the driver never once noticed my car till we collided. The wreck totaled my Scion xA, but the air bags went off, and I had my seat belt on as well, so I made it out ok. I’m still getting treated for my neck and back injuries, but things seem to be improving.

If you’ve ever wondered what a Scion xA vs. a SUV would look like, here you have it.
Smashed Scion xA

The accident really made an impact on my life, affecting everything from work to snowboarding. The loopy drugs they put me on didn’t help with keeping work and clients in order, and dealing with the insurance company has been a test in and of itself. To be honest, my head still feels a bit fuzzy at times, and I’ve been medication free for over a month now. The doctors (I have a few now) all say it will pass. To add to the fuzzy head, my vision got a tad fuzzy too, so now I have “computer glasses” to wear. To say the least, I’ve been a bit down about the whole thing.

I find myself holding back. Hesitating to do what I know I have the talent to do. Why? Why do I, or you for that matter, hold back? We bite our tongue, or silence our thoughts, hesitate in action, if any action at all.

It’s self doubt.

The only person telling you that you can’t do something in this day and age is you. The world is changing, now is your chance to change with it.

Jump in, be yourself, you are the only one that can be.

Plurk is here, and after a few weeks of testing it out, I think here to stay. It’s a wonderful site for getting to know the more personal side of people (esp. in my industry), networking, and some heated debates. Plurk also sports a powerful feature, not yet seen on the other popular social site Twitter, called Cliques.

The headless Plurk Dog

There are several people that would say Plurk is a time waster, and that Twitter is where the “news” is at. I agree with that, but only because Plurk is still new compared to Twitter, and Cliques aren’t yet being used to their full potential… yet.

Creating Cliques is Quick

  • Click on the “My Friends” link at the top left.

Creating Cliques on Plurk

  • Click on the “Cliques” tab in the new window.

The Cliques Tab on Plurk

  • From here you can name your new Clique.

Creating New Cliques on Plurk

  • Now type in the names of the people you want to add.

Add Your Friends from Plurk

What to do with Cliques

Well now that you’ve spent the time to create Cliques on Plurk, it’s time to let the lucky people know they have been added. Cliques are missing the ability to invite your friends to join you, but there is a simple way around this! Check out ShirleyTipy’s blog to learn more about who and what to do with your privates on Plurk.

Zemanta Pixie

April Fools only comes around once a year, and Office Pranks are just too hard to pass up.  While the most common of April Fools jokes tend to be, “I’m pregnant” and “Joe Died” type verbal banter, I like to go with a more creative hands on prank.  After getting a tip that all of the Directors were going to be in a meeting from 10 to 11, (thanks G) I quickly came up with an impromptu office prank to play on our Director of Customer Service.  Having no rope, glue, tar, or feathers, I had to improvise with the props at hand.

And so I bring to you my office humor loving readers, the Jungle Office. Read the rest of this entry »

Not everyone seems to be feeling the spirt of April Fools this season.  From Matt’s blog to the people I follow on twitter, no one seems to be in the mood for jokes, pranks, or any other form of tomfoolery.  April Fools has been a long standing tradition among my friends and family.  Epic pranks that ranged from fake car accidents, to by friend’s wife giving birth to a black child.  Not a year has gone by with out something odd in the mail, or a screw removed from my office chair.  In turn, I have not missed the opportunity to prank friends or family since I was 4.  I don’t have any pranks planned for my friends on the net, but I do plan to post any evidence I come across of inner office pranks today.

What’s the best April Fools prank you’ve pulled? If you’ve already posted about it, drop a link in the comments for us to read.

Not much of prankster, or just boycotting like Kid Disco, why?

I got tagged over at Shirley Tipsy’s, and I think Angela called me out too…

Directions: Read the question and find the corresponding image and post that as the answer. 



Read the rest of this entry »

Clock of time 

It really is so limited. Why do we then rush about in our day? Always waiting for something next, racing to some new destination, or looking forward to the next day more than the one you find yourself in now.

rushing people

Sit back, relax, it’s life. Take your time, there is no first place for finishing ahead of the pack.


Take a moment to look around, appreciate that what you have around you, and love that which appreciates you in return.

The next time someone asks you what kind of cookie you would be, think twice, you may end up a Ginger Snap.

Ginger Snap

Thanks to Mike Wilton for bringing boobs and beards together in ’08.

People say the silliest things. Managers included.

Things to know: Read the rest of this entry »

Thank you, come again.