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Ever hear of a blogroll profile? Neither had I until this guy did one about me. The concept is simple really. Write up some info about the person (people) in your blogroll, a dash of humor, and a link to their site. 😀

Bryan is one funny dude, from blurring out the identity of a local street dog, to racing around in his Buick (at the proper speed limit mind you). Don’t let the jokes and silliness fool you though, this is one smart guy. This former co-worker of mine has a knack for picking up new things quicker than you can explain them to him. Can’t figure out some new filter in photoshop? Before you even tell him what can’t get to work, he’ll be telling you how to use it in a way you never thought before.

No head lights were used in the shooting of this photo

No headlights were used in the shooting of this image.

What would a cyborg want with all that power? Well, if you know Bryan like I do, he’d probably spend it upgrading his Buick with zebra stripped interior to match his wife’s car, and perhaps buy some gas while he’s at it. Yes there is no denying it, Bryan “Cyborg” Siegel is here to stay. Perhaps some day Germany will send it’s very own cyborg your way, until then hide your dogs, study your niche, and stay the hell of the 91 E.from 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Bryan’s idea of a blogroll profile is great, and I plan to do other in the future. If you’re in my blogroll and would like (or not like) a blogroll profile about you and your blog let me know zak.nicola @ gmail .com. Or you can do what this guy did, and write a blogroll profile about me! What better way to get my attention than to trigger a Google Alert. 😀

Thank you, come again.